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Sad days for Slovakia

Sad days for Slovakia

After the recent event in Boston, during the 117th Annual Marathon, the President of Slovak Republic M. Gasparovic  wrote an open letter to M. Obama regarding the media impact of this public attack, begging him to use his censorship powers.

Indeed, according to the firsts video available on all channels, one of the bomb unfortunately detonated right in front the Slovak National Flag.

Already unknown by 89 % of the World population, Slovakia was hoping in this year to promote itself through her European Capital of Culture, Kosice. Nicer days coming back and only 50 kilometers from Vienna, this attack could have dramatic consequences on the local economy, tourism this year and political stability.

Later on, Slovakia was joined by Russia (suffering already of the Pussy Riot scandal), South Africa (regaining of racism), Spain (already in deep economical crisis) and Sweden (suffering of nothing but we never know…)

According to our information, the White House didn’t gave any answer yet regarding this matter. Obama might said after a phone call with Kim Jong Il; „Come on guys, April Fools is only one day…“



My judgment was a bit fast.



All right fellows, i can’t hold it anymore. At first i thought it was only me. Then i thought it was a joke, and then i realized that the true face of reality. Here the thing… I do hope that you believe in diversity and evolution. In politic, we will see in few weeks now, but also in culture. So my question is very easy, why is there always the same 10 artists having same concerts in [...]

Mystery of potholes – Revelations


You might not noticed during this cold winter, probably too busy running as fast as you could from Kaufland to your small flat in Ruzinov tight in your wool jacket; but now that snow is gone you naturally observed that slovak roads are now full of potholes… oh! I already hear some of you saying „yeah, there are other priorities“, „Corruption… you know…“ or even [...]

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Polícia v sobotu zadržala takmer 200 ľudí na troch amerických univerzitách, kde sa konali protesty proti vojenskej operácii Izraela v Pásme Gazy.

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Biden vtipkoval na Trumpov účet, exprezident mu adresoval štipľavú poznámku

28.04.2024 09:57

Americký prezident Joe Biden na sobotňajšej večeri organizovanej združením spravodajcov v Bielom dome vtipkoval na adresu Donalda Trumpa.

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Zbierka mincí českého zubára vyniesla milióny. Kôň doktora Brunu vyhral trikrát Veľkú Pardubickú

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Draží sa zbierka mincí českého zubára, významného zberateľa aj chovateľa koní Václava Brunu. Už počas prvého dňa vyniesla milióny eur.

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Poľský turista dostal vysokú pokutu za to, že sa na Špicbergoch príliš priblížil k mrožovi

28.04.2024 07:24

Turista z Poľska pri návšteve nórskeho arktického súostrovia Špicberky dostal pokutu za to, že sa až veľmi priblížil k mrožovi.


POZOR: This blog is FICTIONAL. None of the information are true, even sometime based on real event. Do not take it seriously. Our goal is only to make you smile and spend good time. sKatiric, Satire in SK.

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