
My judgment was a bit fast.

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All right fellows, i can’t hold it anymore. At first i thought it was only me. Then i thought it was a joke, and then i realized that the true face of reality. Here the thing… I do hope that you believe in diversity and evolution. In politic, we will see in few weeks now, but also in culture. So my question is very easy, why is there always the same 10 artists having same concerts in […]

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Mystery of potholes – Revelations

You might not noticed during this cold winter, probably too busy running as fast as you could from Kaufland to your small flat in Ruzinov tight in your wool jacket; but now that snow is gone you naturally observed that slovak roads are now full of potholes… oh! I already hear some of you saying „yeah, there are other priorities“, „Corruption… you know…“ or even […]

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Sad days for Slovakia

Sad days for Slovakia

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967. deň: Česká muničná iniciatíva musí pokračovať, uviedla trojica premiérov. EÚ rokuje o Ukrajine

967. deň: Česká muničná iniciatíva musí pokračovať, uviedla trojica premiérov. EÚ rokuje o Ukrajine

17.10.2024 06:10

Aliancia aj naďalej plne podporuje Ukrajinu, ktorá sa jedného dňa stane členom NATO.

Ak chcete opraviť zuby, radšej to urobte do Vianoc. Od budúceho roka ceny u zubárov stúpnu o desiatky eur

Ak chcete opraviť zuby, radšej to urobte do Vianoc. Od budúceho roka ceny u zubárov stúpnu o desiatky eur

17.10.2024 06:00

Ceny by mali stúpnuť nielen kvôli bežnej inflácii, ale aj pre zmeny, ktoré prináša konsolidačný balíček

Kažimír sa chce brániť: Peniaze na úplatok mali inú štruktúru než tvrdí Imrecze. S miliónom „bol na nule“

Kažimír sa chce brániť: Peniaze na úplatok mali inú štruktúru než tvrdí Imrecze. S miliónom „bol na nule“

17.10.2024 15:00

60-tisíc, ktoré mal Kažimír údajne použiť na úplatok Imreczemu mali vraj inú štruktúru, než tvrdil sám Imrecze.


POZOR: This blog is FICTIONAL. None of the information are true, even sometime based on real event. Do not take it seriously. Our goal is only to make you smile and spend good time. sKatiric, Satire in SK.

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