Založ si blog


All right fellows, i can’t hold it anymore.

At first i thought it was only me. Then i thought it was a joke, and then i realized that the true face of reality. Here the thing… I do hope that you believe in diversity and evolution. In politic, we will see in few weeks now, but also in culture. So my question is very easy, why is there always the same 10 artists having same concerts in town?

Why are there always the same DJs playing the same music going clubs to clubs. Ok, you change the name of the parties, ok you have nice graphics sometime, and yes the price is always 5 euro… aren‘ t you tired of that? I even know the lyrics now!!!

There are new very good band here, hopefully internet is still not rules by some major dictatorship, so why we never hear them?

Are your music teachers so bad they traumatize every children in high school?

Please do something even if i will have to start singing… and you dont wanna hear this…



My judgment was a bit fast.

Mystery of potholes – Revelations


You might not noticed during this cold winter, probably too busy running as fast as you could from Kaufland to your small flat in Ruzinov tight in your wool jacket; but now that snow is gone you naturally observed that slovak roads are now full of potholes… oh! I already hear some of you saying „yeah, there are other priorities“, „Corruption… you know…“ or even [...]

Sad days for Slovakia


Sad days for Slovakia

SR Prezidentka Čaputová Úradovanie Východ Prešov Návšteva

Čaputová: Z východu som nadšená, rada sa sem vraciam

25.04.2024 21:45

Prezidentka navštívila rusínske divadlo, evanjelické gymnázium, centrum pre obete násilia či národnú kultúrnu pamiatku na Solivare.

SR Bratislava EK Vláda Jourová RTVS MK Stretnutie TK BAX

Jourová rokovala s Ficom i Šimkovičovou: Nikto si neželá, aby Slovensko prišlo o peniaze EÚ, eurokomisia má však otázky

25.04.2024 19:57

EK diskutuje s vládou o zmenách v trestnom práve, ktoré vládna koalícia napriek žiadosti komisie presadila v zrýchlenom režime.

Lukasenkova atletka

Lukašenko prezradil, kedy odíde. Ženu na čele štátu nechce, ale atlétku, ktorá neznáša dúhové farby, by podporil

25.04.2024 19:00

Alexandr Lukašenko tvrdí, že Bielorusom sa žije oveľa lepšie ako pred tromi desaťročiami. Ako vyzerá porovnanie ich finančných pomerov so Slovákmi?

Praha, masová streľba, Česko

Strelec z pražskej univerzity netrpel duševnou poruchou, motív úrady oznámia čoskoro

25.04.2024 18:21

V hlavnej budove Filozofickej fakulty UK v Prahe 21. decembra 2023 jej študent zastrelil 13 ľudí a jedna osoba neskôr zomrela v nemocnici.


POZOR: This blog is FICTIONAL. None of the information are true, even sometime based on real event. Do not take it seriously. Our goal is only to make you smile and spend good time. sKatiric, Satire in SK.

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Počet článkov: 4
Celková čítanosť: 9856x
Priemerná čítanosť článkov: 2464x

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