My judgment was a bit fast.
All right fellows, i can’t hold it anymore. At first i thought it was only me. Then i thought it was a joke, and then i realized that the true face of reality. Here the thing… I do hope that you believe in diversity and evolution. In politic, we will see in few weeks now, but also in culture. So my question is very easy, why is there always the same 10 artists having same concerts in [...]
You might not noticed during this cold winter, probably too busy running as fast as you could from Kaufland to your small flat in Ruzinov tight in your wool jacket; but now that snow is gone you naturally observed that slovak roads are now full of potholes… oh! I already hear some of you saying „yeah, there are other priorities“, „Corruption… you know…“ or even [...]
Spomínaný 14. dodatok bol prijatý po občianskej vojne v USA ako súčasť snahy zabezpečiť práva bývalých otrokov a ich detí.
Huliak podľa Danka odmietol post podpredsedu NR SR.
Podľa preukazu totožnosti nájdeného u útočníka ide o 29-ročného Maročana, ktorý mal povolenie na trvalý pobyt v USA.
Podľa linky sa nedalo vylúčiť, že by skutočne bola schopná niekoho zabiť, preto zalarmovala českú políciu.
A z mnichovskeho cintorina sa pridava ...
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